Viewing posts from: November 2000

WebEx: What Your Annuity Max Strategy is Missing!

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WebEx: What your Annuity Max Strategy is Missing!

Modern Legacy Planning and Risk Management Strategies


Join our special guest and LTC expert Jaime Mueller as we get strategic about risk management and legacy planning strategies with a quick overview of the Long-Term Care market, some insight into the average client’s thought process around planning for care, and an investigation of the pros and cons of some of the planning strategies available to advisors and their clients. Topics include:

  • New stats around the need for care that shine a light on how important a care funding strategy is to a financial plan
  • Insight on how the typical client is already planning for care and the challenges their “plan” may face
  • Two case design solutions that build on the “good, better, best” strategy to give clients multiple solutions to choose from


When: Monday, October 29th at 2:00pm EST/11:00am PCT (approx 30-45 min)


You won’t want to miss this informative, unique LTC planning discussion so register today!


Click Here to Register!


Email Chris at or call 617-850-9095 if you have any questions

New enhancements to John Hancock Vitality!

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

John Hancock Vitality included on all their flagship products!

Now, all your clients can be rewarded for living healthy with two great versions of the John Hancock Vitality program, Vitality GO and Vitality PLUS.

Now, it’s easier than ever for you to:

  • Present Vitality on all your cases
  • Give all your clients the type of life insurance they prefer
  • Sell and recommend John Hancock Vitality
  • Differentiate yourself in the marketplace

Vitality GO and Vitality PLUS

John Hancock Protection UL with Newly Extended Guarantees

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments



There are 5 billion reasons to choose Protection UL!

That’s because your clients have entrusted John Hancock with $5 billion in Protection UL premiums. And with newly extended guarantees and some of the lowest premiums in the industry, it’s no wonder Protection UL is John Hancock’s #1 selling permanent product!

Watch this Protection UL video for more information!

AIG GUL Rate Increase Coming

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

We hope your 2018 is off to a great start! We want to let you know of an important update to our Secure Lifetime GUL 3 (GUL 3) product.

Starting April 14, 2018, the price of GUL 3 will be increasing an average of 3 to 4%. Adjustments to the target premiums will also be made. While we strive to hold the prices of all of our products steady, the long-standing low interest rate environment continues to put pressure on our industry. To ensure we stay laser-focused on our commitment – to deliver higher value to both you and our clients – a rate change is necessary.

We understand you may be in discussions with a client that includes GUL 3, so we wanted to give you a chance to secure the current price before it goes up. To receive current rates, applications must be received on or before April 13th.

 View Webpage Version 

Symetra UL-G Product Changes

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

Symetra UL-G Product Changes

Feb. 15, 2018

Symetra remains committed to the Guaranteed Universal Life space and maintaining a price leadership position within it. We are dedicated to offering competitively priced products and to providing you and your clients with products that are sustainable.

We will be repricing our Symetra UL-G product due to the continued low interest rate environment and the competitive landscape. With these changes, we still retain a market leadership position across death benefits and funding patterns.

Important Transition Rules for Symetra UL-G

Feb. 16, 2018

  • Symetra Life Illustrator and Winflex illustration systems will be updated with these changes.
  • You will be able to run Symetra UL-G illustrations with the current and new rates through the transition period.
March 16, 2018
  • Date on which all formal Symetra UL-G applications must be received at Symetra’s Home Office in good order (fully completed, signed and dated) to receive current UL-G rates.
  • Symetra Life Illustrator and Winflex illustration systems will be updated to reflect the new Symetra UL-G pricing only.
June 1, 2018
  • Date on which cases must be issued/paid to receive current Symetra UL-G rates. For 1035 exchange cases, the deadline will be extended if the only outstanding requirement is the receipt of 1035 funds.

If you have any questions, please call us today! (585) 203 – 1206

Lincoln Financial Group: Leading-Edge Underwriting Advantages

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

Leading-Edge Underwriting Advantages

New financial and medical underwriting updates to meet your clients’ needs

Highlights of our underwriting enhancements

KEY PERSON COVERAGE Up to 20x income! We’re meeting the changing needs of today’s businesses.
PRIVATE EQUITY AND INVESTOR CAPITAL KEY PERSON Consideration of up to 25% or more of the capital investment amount.
CHARITABLE GIFTING 10x the average annual gift or allowance for percentage of net worth.
SIGNIFICANT MEDICAL UPDATES Better offers for clients with history of breast or prostate cancer, asthma, atrial fibrillation or ulcerative colitis.
Lincoln Underwriting Advantages


2018 Underwriting Enhancements


For more information, call us today! (585) 203 -1206

View Online

Announcement: Companion Life to Discontinue New York Products

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

From time to time, we must make prudent business decisions that are important for the long-term financial health of Mutual of Omaha.  After a careful review of our individual life and annuity product portfolio, as well as current market, economic and regulatory factors, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue sales of our life and annuity products in New York.  This decision does not impact our United of Omaha Life and Annuity (non-New York) product portfolio sales nor does it impact any other products currently sold by our company in the state of New York.

The following Companion of New York life products will be discontinued:

  • Income Advantage IUL
  • AccumUL Answers
  • AccumUL Plus
  • GUL Express
  • Term Life Express
  • Children’s Whole Life
  • Living Promise Whole Life
  • Ultra Secure Plus Annuity
  • Bonus Flex Annuity
  • Ultra Income SPIA
  • Income Access SPIA

All Companion life and annuity applications must have an application signed date of February 28, 2018 or earlier and received in the home office by Monday, March 5, 2018.  Applications involving replacements that are signed prior to March 5, 2018 will have an extended receipt deadline to provide time to complete all requirements associated with New York Regulation 60.  All Companion life and annuity applications that are received by this date will continue to follow our standard underwriting procedures.  This includes any term conversions to our Income Advantage IUL and GUL.

Please be assured pending applications will continue to be processed. You will be able to continue to track your pending cases through Sales Professional Access.

The discontinuation of these products does not change our commitment to servicing our Companion Life inforce customers.  AccumUL Answers will remain available in New York for term conversions only.

Our complete United of Omaha product portfolio (outside of NY) offering Indexed UL, Term, Simplified Issue and Annuities remain very competitive with product pricing, features and niches designed to make us your carrier of choice.  Please give me a call should you have any questions.



For more information give us a call today! (585) 203 – 1206


AIG: New, lower rates on Select-a-Term

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

AIG is thrilled to announce new, lower rates on Select-a-Term nationwide (including New York) in certain issue ages and risk classes. They made pricing improvements to face amounts of $250,000 and above with the focus of those improvements at face amounts of $500,000 and above.

Here’s how strong AIG is in the $500,000 and above market :

  • Nationwide, nearly 80% of the premium rates rank in the top 2 and 85% rank in the top 3
  • In New York, over 80% of the premium rates rank in the top 2 and 90% rank in the top 3

AIG continues to be focused on you and the needs of your clients with our improved new business turnaround times. Choose Wisely. Choose Select-a-Term.

Invaluable Flexibility

Select-a-Term offers a unique mix of flexibility and reach:

  • Guaranteed level term coverage for 18 durations, including 10-year and 15 through 30 years and now a 35-year term, with renewable coverage until age 95 for older clients
  • Select-a-Term remains convertible to the earlier of age 70 or the end of the level term period
  • Extended conversion eligibility to the full suiteb of AGL and US Life products for the first 8 years for 10 year term durations, or the first 10 years for term durations of 15 years and greater
  • A competitive conversion credit feature, where a portion of the term premium is applied to the new permanent policy. This feature is available under the same conversion eligibility rules.

Transition Rules

  • New premiums rates available effective January 22, 2018.
  • Applications issued or conditionally issued before January 22, 2018 will automatically receive the old product rates.
  • Applications issued or conditionally issued January 22, 2018 or later will automatically receive the new product rates.
  • Reissue requests to new rates will not be honored.
  • New applications submitted to replace existing inforce coverage with the new rates will not be honored within 90 days of the existing coverage going inforce.


Select-a-Term is available on Winflex Web and Winflex Desktop. The new rates will be available starting January 22, 2018.

State Approvals

As of January 22, 2018, the new rates for Select-a-Term are approved in all states.

Call us today for more information! (585) 203 – 1206

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Coming Soon – Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2013)

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

Coming Soon – Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2013)

Effective February 12, 2018, Lincoln will be introducing pricing improvements to Lincoln LifeGuarantee® UL (2013) which will solidify competitive level-pay lifetime guarantee pricing for key cells. Highlights Goals of the reprice focused on our core market – level-pay lifetime guarantee, non-tobacco classes ages 60 and above:

  • Top 3 carrier or better for standard and top 4 carrier or better for preferred
  • Average premium reduction approximately 4%
  • Majority of premium decreases are within a range of 2% – 6%
  • Pricing remained the same in a limited number of cells that were previously in the top 3
  • No changes to targets Single or short-pay scenarios will not see pricing improvements, and in a limited number of cells may see slight premium increases.

For more information, contact us today at (585) 203 – 1206!


View Full Notice online!

Coming Soon – Lincoln WealthPreserve® IUL (2017)

Posted by Justin Jurs in News | 0 comments

Coming Soon – Lincoln WealthPreserve® IUL (2017)


Effective February 12, 2018, subject to state availability, Lincoln will be introducing the newest member in its indexed UL portfolio, Lincoln WealthPreserve® IUL (2017) – 02/12/18.

  • New! Extended guaranteed death benefit protection for up to 40 years or to age 90 (whichever comes first)
  • Guaranteed positive interest crediting with a guaranteed floor of 1% in all years
  • New! A guaranteed minimum indexed account cap of 8.75% for the first 10 policy years
  • Guaranteed cap reduction protection in years 11-14 means surrender charges are waived if the indexed account cap is reduced to 6% or lower
  • Access to cash value through loans, with guaranteed interest loan charge rates for the duration of the policy



View Full Notice online!