Do you have clients who are interested in life insurance protection and a relatively affordable, effective way to pay for potential long-term care costs? Now, if your clients purchase a term policy within the time period stated below, and their circumstances change and they need coverage for life, they can convert to a permanent policy and add our LTC rider, with limited underwriting.
Clients can apply to add our competitive Long-Term Care ServicesSM Rider (LTCSR) with limited underwriting and a simplified LTCSR questionnaire, if they:
Purchase an AXA Equitable or MLOA term life policy with a register date between September 15, 2017 and March 31, 2018.
Convert their term policy to a permanent life policy, any time from the beginning of the second policy year to the end of the fifth policy year.
Are rated Standard Plus or better
Are ages 18-60 at the time of conversion.
They may be approved for the rider if the above parameters are met, they can perform all Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), and they are acceptable risks based on the limited LTC underwriting required.